Help build the Menno Simons Image Bank!
In church, city and regional archives. In church attics and family albums. The witnesses to our history are stored all over. Numerous photographs and other illustrations tell our story. In the dark ...

Dormant treasure
What a pity it would be if our historical treasures were to remain dormant forever. When Internet technology provides such wonderful opportunities to present our history and identity! We are going to take advantage of these opportunities at the Menno Simons Image Bank. Read all about the background of the Image Bank.

Your greatgrandchildren and greatgreatgrandchildren
Just imagine this. The complete documentation on the Mennonites and Anabaptists can be presented on our Web site. Everyone all across the globe, from Mennonites and Anabaptists to academic researchers, will have easy access to it. What a beautiful and many-sided view we ourselves and later our greatgreatgrandchildren will have of our collective history and identity!

Help Build the Menno Simons Image Bank!!

Read here how you can do it.

To the Image Bank